Wednesday, December 11, 2013

One Question but a Thousand Answers

      Many times I get asked by people that know me from growing up, school or family friends what I'm doing with my life now that I'v graduated from high school. Before I even get the words out of my mouth so many thoughts start running through my mind. I know that when people look at me this career does not look like me at all I mean come on I was that girl who was in blue jeans and a t-shirt every single day hair pulled back into a pony tail driving a truck that most of the time was caked with mud! I'm not ashamed of what I do I will scream it from the roof tops "I ,KACI, AM AN UNDERTAKER!"! I try to avoid this the question of what am i do with my life any way I can only because with that question comes the famous one "WHY DID YOU PICK THAT?!?". Well folks there is no rock solid answer to that. The best way to put it is that it kinds "started a fire". I know what your thinking this girl makes no sense at all!! Well you just have to know me, I'm more of a loving caring person than a book smart person and english/spelling is not my thang at all!!!! My "fire" for this career started some odd years ago. My Nana had been sick with cancer for a while. I knew that she would not last long enough to see me graduate, get married or have kids I only knew that we needed to live in the moments that we had left with her. I watched the woman that I seen as strong ox turn into just a body laying there. I don't normally talk about this situation because it's still a tough story for me but its the spark that started it all and I didn't know it. On December 5 2006 (roughly on the years I'm awful with dates!) my brother and I left for school like we had for the past week ( we had stayed the night with nana the whole family and very rarely went home that week) tell Nana bye and tell her we loved her then head to school. When we got off the bus that afternoon at the end of Nana's drive way (like I had done everyday since I was in kindergarten) all I can see was a black Hurst sitting beside the house and the front door open ( the front door was never open). This day has stuck with me and like I said it was the spark that started it all. They made her look so pretty!!! I love the human body it is so amazing! That was another spark!! There was this show called "The Undertaking" I has watched it and seen what cool things they got to do and yet again there was the other spark!! The last spark made the small fire into a bonfire was I never seen any female Funeral Directors. I'm one of those if I really want something I'll work hard for it! I wanted other females to know that they can do anything that they set their minds to even if males run this career. I am Kaci and I'm a female Undertaker!

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